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Strada Vicinale Maurisi snc


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2011年,菲利斯埃斯·波西托·卡西诺博士从他供职40多年的意大利国家研究委员会退休,职位是流体动力学以及引擎启动领域的研究主任。退休之后,他创建了意大利莫瑞斯酒庄。 酒庄位于阿韦利诺省伊尔皮尼亚直辖市普拉塔山区。土壤富含火山矿物质,因而2000多年前,人们将来自希腊的托福格来克(Greco di Tufo )和艾格尼科(Aglianico)两种古老的葡萄品种移植到此。
魏格纳莫瑞斯酒庄所在的地区普拉塔地理环境十分适合葡萄生长,是托福格来克优质葡萄酒(Greco di Tufo DOCG)的重要产区,也是他重温童年时光的理想去处。他渴望再一次的成功。因此,在酒庄的帮助下,他凭借天然优势气候条件,在山坡上开辟了葡萄园。当然,首选的葡萄种植品种就是托福格来克和艾格尼科葡萄。这两种坎帕尼亚本地葡萄品种可以酿造出极为优质的葡萄酒。几个世纪以来,维苏威火山岩浆不断改变着土壤的成分,因而这里生产的葡萄酒均含有火山矿物的味道。 
艾格尼科红葡萄酒为红宝石色,带有成熟黑樱桃的香味,品尝起来有着巧克力的微苦味道,单宁丰富,口感厚重。 (中国进出口网整理翻译)
葡萄成熟 2
The wine making farm Azienda Agricola Vitivinicola Vigna Maurisi, was founded by Dr. Eng. Felice Esposito Corcione in 2011 just after his retirement from National Research Council of Italy wher he spent more than 40 years as Director of Research in the field of Fluid dynamics and Combustion in Engines. The farm is situated on very beautiful hills of Prata Principato Ultra municipality in the Irpinia territory of Avellino Province. The ground is full of precious volcanic minerals that allow to produce two ancient grapes like Greco di Tufo and Aglianico imported from Greece more than 2000 years ago.
Felice Corcione started his new agricultural activity after retirement.
Thanks to his country origins and good agricultural background decided that the Vigna Maurisi (vineyard), situated in Prata P.U. that is one of the most important production area of Greco di Tufo DOCG wine, was the ideal place to make a return to the world of his childhood. He strongly and clearly wishes to be successful. In this he is helped by his vineyards, planted on hillsides favoured by excellent microclimatic conditions. The choise of the grapes fell naturally and above all on the Greco di Tufo and Aglianico varieties. These two Campanian grapes variety produce very excellent wines. Both white and red are described as having volcanic mineral flavors, which are due in large parts to the local soils, many of which have been altered by deposits of lava from Mount Vesuvius over the centuries.
Greco di Tufo is a dry white wine with aromas of lemon and pear with notes of almond and a light minerality in the finish.
Aglianico is a red wine that have deep ruby red color, aromas of ripe black cherries tinged with bitter chocolate and firm tannins.